Fairview Treatment Center - Halfway House

Fairview Treatment Center

(985) 395-6750

1101 Southeast Blvd, 2nd Floor
Morgan City, LA - 70380

Fairview Treatment Center is a 50 bed treatment facility treating both men and women for Chemical Dependency. Fairview has been in existence since 1990 and is a State and Federally funded contract agency.

Fairview services include group therapy, Education, Individual counseling and a community based approach for behavioral change. AA/NA involvement is stressed as the fundamental tool of life long recovery. Emphasis is placed on continuing treatment in a halfway house setting. Referrals to this continued effort are made for those clients who are interested.

Admission Criteria

At least 18 years of age with primary chemical dependency diagnosis.
Free of mood altering chemicals-detoxed.
Documentation of legal support for treatment and recommendations (as appropriate)

To Make A Referral--Contact:

Nearest Alcohol and Drug Abuse Clinic.
Nearest Alcohol and Drug Abuse Detoxification Unit

Appropriate evaluation of prospective clients is completed at these facilities. Referrals are then made and placed on a standard waiting list. Beds are assigned in the order that they are received.

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