Oxford House Amherst is a democratically run, self-supporting and drug free home. Oxford House Amherst is an all men sober house. Every Oxford house represents an effective and low cost method of preventing relapse. Every month the Oxford houses in the area get together to share their experiences in order to ensure that Oxford House Amherst operates in a way that preserves the good name of Oxford House and encourages more experienced houses to help newer ones.
Call to learn more about the cost and expenses of living at the house. This house accommodates nine residents. Oxford House Amherst is part of a nonprofit corporation umbrella organization which provides the network connecting all Oxford Houses and allocates resources to duplicate the Oxford House concept where needs arise.
My son was evicted due to a mental health PTSD issue, incontinence and sleep disturbance. He was ridiculed, mocked, disrespected by the House and given 16 hours to vacate. He was homeless, sober, had been compliant and never even given an opportunity to redeem himself. High turnaround in this House with the exception of the 3 senior residents who are entitled to special privileges. The rest are afraid of being evicted so this is a fear driven democracy. The democracy of this particular house consists if you are accepted. The officers are a great example of Alcoholics/addicts with no program, thus self will run riot comes to mind. High turnaround in the 5 months my son was there. I made a call to landlord which I am sure will result in nothing. I would not want someone with mental health issues, SUD to be treated as my son was. I am so sorry because the concept of Oxford House sounds great but in reality, these are recovering addicts who make up their own rules as they go along.