12 Step recovery halfway house.
Our program is broken down into four phases: first, second, third, and graduate phase. Upon completion of our program, you will receive a graduation certificate.
With our program, we believe you will find the encouragement, the support, and the friendship of your peers to pull you through.
We provide transportation to and from the airport, bus, or train terminal.
We will provide linens, towels, pillows, and basic hygiene items for the newcomer.
We regularly conduct mandatory alcohol and drug screenings, free of charge.
We will make referrals for you, to therapists, counselors, addiction specialists, out-patient programs, and more.
We will monitor your progress in finding, maintaining, and working with an appropriate sponsor and support group.
We provide three mandatory twelve-step meetings on-site, every week
We provide a volunteer money management program, for those clients who are triggered by having their funds readily available
The brotherhood here is second to none. This place truly gives people a second chance.